Spiritual Laws – Law of Flow

There are thirty six or more spiritual laws which offer excellent ways for us to understand life on earth, some of the following text has been taken from Diana Cooper’s fantastic book “A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws”. I will briefly explain each law over the coming weeks, if you find this interesting I would encourage you to read Diana’s book. I use Diana’s book when I am low or wanting an answer to a problem I flick through the book and open it at a law, and more often than not that is where I need to focus at that time.

The Law of Flow

The energy of the universe flows like a river, nothing is static everything moves. Our emotions are represented by water, when emotions are blocked they stagnate and our relationships become stuck. If our emotions are peaceful others will want to come close to you. It is a good idea to be aware of our emotions and notice how we react in our relationships.

The law of flow governs sexuality, creativity and many other areas of our lives. If you hoard, there is no space for the new to enter, this can be money, clothes, ideas, beliefs etc. We have a choice if we replace rubbish with more rubbish or clutter. If you continue thinking the same way you will continue to have the same experiences. Start making changes, then something different has to come in.

When you start to clear things out of your house and life, affirm what you would like to replace it with. Don’t just clear out passively.

Quotes from Diana Cooper’s A Little Light on the Spiritual Laws

“Be masterful and use the law of flow to make your life what you want it to be”

“Relationships prosper when there is open flow of open communication”

“Prosperity results when we balance the outflow with the inflow”

“Go with the flow and you will reach the source”

Understanding these laws can helps us create a happy and joyous life, energy healing can also help us to follow these laws to create wealth and prosperity in our lives, by helping to remove anger, negative beliefs etc..

If you would like to know more about energy healing please contact me or visit my website http://www.soul-essence.com