Your Core-self

At the centre of your being is your core-self.

Let’s face it, we are all in a relative state of distress. We feel sad, anxious, dissatisfied. We yearn for a happier and an easier life, but often look in the wrong places and end up disappointed because we don’t understand our real needs. We want to feel ‘right’ and for things to ‘make sense’, yet most of the time we don’t realise what we are yearning for is our true core self.

We can think of our core as our authentic state of being before the impact of our life experiences and childhood conditioning took us away from it. It is the truth of who we are.  Place of oneness with all that is, a place of unconditional love, compassion, wisdom, joy, peace, contentment and healing.


We first experience a painful separation from our core as babies when we realise we are separate from unconditional love. We experience the imperfection of our parents, who can’t give us unconditional love. But felt even more deeply is the separation from the unconditional love of the divine. The source from which we came. Before we had the words to name it, or the reasoning to understand it, we suffered this most cataclysmic experience. This is called our core wound.

Over time our personality, beliefs and behaviours protect us by hiding and denying our core wound and burying it in the unconscious part of our mind, sometimes never to be discovered or understood for a whole lifetime. This ‘contraction’ is the root of all or emotional and psychological pain

Connecting with your core taps into a well of spiritual energy which will nourish and enhance all parts of your life. Every resource we might ever need is found there, already within us. Take a second to let that sink in. How could that realisation transform your life?

When connected to your core, life flows effortlessly. You feel more comfortable in your own skin. You begin to love and trust yourself and to perceive the world as a more supportive, enjoyable place. Regular contact with your core creates a gradual shift to higher level of consciousness.

Our greatest and deepest longing is to return to a place of wholeness, to return to our core.

I will be running workshops in 2017 to help people to connect to their  Core

Visit    or email me for dates and information

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