How to Love Yourself and Bring Happiness in Your Life

When we are born, we feel loveable, providing we receive love from our parents and environment during our informative years and beyond, we will grow up feeling loved and not judging ourselves. When this does not happen, often because our parents did not love themselves, we are more likely to struggle with self-judgement as adults.

We all have an inner critic, that inner voice that is constantly telling us we cannot do things, or we are not good enough, we are not loveable and many more. This is our ego speaking; our ego comes from fear. Our truth, the unconditioned self, comes from love and lets us know we are loveable. Love is much more than a feeling; it is our true nature, the consciousness, our essence, our soul, and our spiritual DNA.

If your inner critic is regularly berating you, you may wish to look into ways to learn how to love yourself. Louise Hay recommends using mirror work to help people to do this. She suggests you look in the mirror every morning and repeat the affirmation “Life loves me” ten times. Notice your responses; sensations may be tension in your body, feelings may be sadness or happiness, and thoughts maybe I cannot do this. Do not judge your responses; there are no right or wrong answers. Just be honest with yourself. Life loves you is about unconditional love.

Once you have completed the above, repeat with the affirmation, “I am willing to let life love me today”, repeat until you feel comfortable sensations in your body. Be willing to work with these affirmations, and all things are possible.

Doing mirror work can be confronting at first, revealing your fears and self-judgements, be kind to yourself. By continuing to do the mirror work, you will start to move through your fears and self-judgements.  If you have had serious trauma in your life, I recommend doing this with a therapist or trusted friend. Remember, life mirrors how you feel. Your relationship with yourself influences your relationship with everyone and everything.

Therefore, once we can love ourselves, and are able receive love, our life will become so much happier.

If you would like any help or further information please email Rosemary