Soul Essence Newsletter May 2024

By Soul Essence New Eltham

“May is the month of expectation, the month of wishes, the month of hope.” – Emily Brontë.

Our next discount day is 11th May where you can have Seated Acupressure massage, Chakra Balancing, Natural Face treatment, or a Natural Face Lift Massage. Any treatment is £20 for 30 minutes. To book a session click here Make sure you book for 11th May to receive the discount.

Fortnightly Meditations.

The Thursday evening face to face meditations are cancelled until further notice.

The Tuesday online sessions using Zoom are at 7:30pm on 14th and 28th May

The Friday morning group at 11 am will be 31st May


As many of you will have received emails launching my course of 30 meditations for you to listen to at home is available. These are based on positive affirmations to boost your mental health. As regular readers of my newsletter, I am giving you the link free for the first meditation. If you would then like to buy the course click here

Please invite your friends to the meditation groups and feel free to share my newsletter.

You may wish to read my blog post from last month about  “Journeying Through Gratitude: Cultivating Thankfulness in Everyday Life”

For more information on the meditations I am running email me. I am still running online meditations fortnightly on Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm cost £7 a session Please email me to book a place, if you would prefer one to one sessions, I do packages for these or one hour sessions.

Are you living with pain, anxiety, or stress. If you would like a free 20 minute discussion to find out if any or the therapies can help you email Rosemary

Embrace Nature’s Serenity: Meditate Outdoors and Connect with the Beauty Around You.

In today’s fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility can feel like a luxury. However, amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there exists a sanctuary of peace waiting to be discovered – the great outdoors. Nature has a unique ability to soothe the mind, calm the spirit, and rejuvenate the soul. By incorporating meditation and affirmations into your outdoor experiences, you can tap into the profound beauty of nature and cultivate a deeper sense of inner peace.

Meditating in Nature:

Meditation is a powerful tool for promoting mindfulness and relaxation, and when practiced outdoors, its benefits are amplified. Imagine sitting beneath the canopy of a lush forest, feeling the gentle caress of a breeze against your skin, and listening to the symphony of birdsong all around you. In this natural setting, distractions melt away, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the present moment.

To begin your outdoor meditation practice, find a quiet spot in nature where you feel comfortable and undisturbed. It could be a secluded corner of a park, a tranquil beach, or even your own backyard. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself. As you breathe in the fresh air, allow yourself to become fully aware of your surroundings – the sights, sounds, and sensations of nature enveloping you.

With each inhale, imagine drawing in the revitalising energy of the natural world, and with each exhale, release any tension or stress you may be holding onto. Allow your mind to become still, like the surface of a tranquil lake, reflecting the beauty and serenity of the world around you. As you continue to meditate, let go of any thoughts or worries, and simply be present in the moment, allowing nature to work its magic on your soul.

Affirmations Inspired by Nature:

Incorporating affirmations into your outdoor meditation practice can further enhance your connection with nature and promote a sense of inner harmony. Affirmations are positive statements that can help reprogramme your subconscious mind, fostering a mindset of abundance, gratitude, and self-love.

Here are some affirmations inspired by the beauty of nature:

  • “I am one with the earth, rooted and grounded in its strength and stability.”
  • “Like the trees, I am resilient and adaptable, bending but never breaking in the face of challenges.”
  • “With each breath, I inhale the peace and tranquility of nature, filling my soul with serenity.”
  • “The beauty of the natural world reminds me of my own inherent worth and beauty.”
  • “I am grateful for the abundance of beauty and wonder that surrounds me every day.”

As you repeat these affirmations during your outdoor meditation practice, allow their words to sink deep into your consciousness, nurturing a profound sense of connection with the natural world and with yourself.


Incorporating meditation and affirmations into your outdoor experiences can be a powerful way to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. By immersing yourself in the beauty of nature and tapping into its serenity, you can find moments of peace and tranquility amidst the chaos of modern life. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed, why not step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and let the beauty of nature guide you back to a place of inner calm?

If you would like find our more or have any questions about my therapies contact Rosemary

Interested in affirmations and the course of thirty meditations incorporating affirmations to boost your mental health. Click here for more information.

Receive one of my e-books free about ChakrasMeditation TipsInner Child or Skincare

Soul Essence Newsletter April 2024

By Soul Essence New Eltham

“May the green growth of April signal a time of renewal and growth”.

Our next discount day is 11th May where you can have Seated Acupressure massage, Chakra Balancing, Natural Face treatment, or a Natural Face Lift Massage. Any treatment is £20 for 30 minutes. To book a session click here Make sure you book for 11th May to receive the discount.

Fortnightly Meditations.

The Thursday evening face to face meditations are cancelled until further notice.

The Tuesday online sessions using Zoom are at 7:30pm on 2nd, 16th and 30th April.

There will be no Friday morning group at 11 am in April


As many of you will have received emails launching my course of 30 meditations for you to listen to at home is available. These are based on positive affirmations to boost your mental health. As regular readers of my newsletter, I am giving you the link free for the first meditation. If you would then like to buy the course click here

Please invite your friends to the meditation groups and feel free to share my newsletter.

You may wish to read my blog post about “Exploring the Power of Mindful Movement: A Path to Inner Harmony”

For more information on the meditations I am running email me. I am still running online meditations fortnightly on Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm cost £7 a session Please email me to book a place, if you would prefer one to one sessions, I do packages for these or one hour sessions.

Are you living with pain, anxiety, or stress. If you would like a free 20 minute discussion to find out if any or the therapies can help you email Rosemary

The Transformative Power of Affirmations: Cultivating Gratitude and Maintaining a Positive Mindset.

The Transformative Power of Affirmations: Cultivating Gratitude and Maintaining a Positive Mindset In a world filled with distractions, challenges, and uncertainties, maintaining a positive mindset can sometimes feel like an uphill battle. Yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a powerful tool that has the potential to transform our perspective and cultivate a sense of gratitude: affirmations.

Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves regularly, with the intention of shifting our thoughts and beliefs towards a more positive direction. By focusing on affirmations related to gratitude, we can train our minds to notice and appreciate the abundance and blessings that surround us, even in the midst of adversity.

One of the keyways in which affirmations contribute to cultivating gratitude is by shifting our attention away from negativity and scarcity towards abundance and appreciation. When we consciously choose to focus on the things we are grateful for, we train our brains to seek out and amplify the positive aspects of our lives, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant.

Moreover, affirmations serve as powerful reminders of our inherent worth and potential. By affirming statements such as “I am worthy of love and abundance” or “I am capable of overcoming any challenge,” we reinforce positive self-beliefs and cultivate a sense of confidence and empowerment. This, in turn, allows us to approach life’s challenges with resilience and optimism, knowing that we have the inner resources to navigate them successfully.

Furthermore, affirmations have the ability to rewire our brains and reshape our neural pathways over time. When we repeat affirmations consistently, we strengthen the connections between neurons associated with positive thoughts and emotions, making it easier for us to access feelings of gratitude and joy on a regular basis. In essence, affirmations act as mental training exercises, helping us to develop a more positive outlook on life.

Incorporating affirmations into our daily routine can be a simple yet profound way to cultivate gratitude and maintain a positive mindset. Whether through spoken affirmations, written affirmations, or even visual affirmations, the key is consistency and repetition. By incorporating affirmations into our morning routine, before bed, or throughout the day as needed, we can gradually reprogram our minds for greater happiness and fulfilment.

As we embark on this journey of cultivating gratitude through affirmations, let us remember that it is not about denying the existence of challenges or hardships, but rather about choosing to focus on the blessings and opportunities that abound, even in the face of adversity. By embracing the power of affirmations, we can transform our perspective, uplift our spirits, and cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude for the gift of life itself.

If you would like find our more or have any questions about my therapies contact Rosemary

Interested in affirmations and the course of thirty meditations incorporating affirmations to boost your mental health. Click here for more information.

Receive one of my e-books free about ChakrasMeditation TipsInner Child or Skincare

Soul Essence Newsletter February 2024

By Soul Essence New Eltham

“Though February is short, it is filled with lots of love and sweet surprises.”―  Charmaine J. Forde.

Our discount day is this month where you can have Seated Acupressure massage, Chakra Balancing, Natural Face treatment, or a Natural Face Lift Massage. Any treatment is £20 for 30 minutes. To book a session click here  Make sure you book for 24th February to receive the discount.

Fortnightly Meditations

Tuesday online sessions at 7:30pm are 6th and 20th February. Thursday evening face to face meditations at 8pm are 8th and 22nd February.Monthly Friday morning group at 11 am will be 23rd February.Email to to book your place.


As many of you will have received emails launching my course of 30 meditations for you to listen to at home is available. These are based on positive affirmations to boost your mental health. As regular readers of my newsletter, I am giving you the link free for the first meditation. If you would then like to buy the course click here

Please invite your friends to the meditation groups and feel free to share my newsletter.

You may wish to read my blog post about The Essence of Self Love

For more information on the meditations I am running email me. I am still running online meditations fortnightly on Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm cost £7 a session. Please email me to book a place. if you would prefer one to one sessions, I do packages for these too or one hour sessions.

Are you living with pain, anxiety, or stress. If you would like a free 20 minute discussion to find out if any or the therapies can help you email Rosemary

Cultivating Loving Kindness: A Journey of Self-Compassion through Meditation.

As we step into the month of February, the air is filled with the essence of love. This month, our focus is on a powerful theme that transcends romantic love – it’s about the profound practice of self-love and compassion. Welcome to an exploration of “Loving Kindness,” where we delve into the heart-opening journey of cultivating kindness through meditation.

The Heart-Centred Practice of Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness, or “Metta” in Pali, is a form of meditation that originates from Buddhist traditions. At its core, it’s a practice of sending and receiving love, fostering goodwill not only towards others but, most importantly, towards oneself. In a world that often demands much of us, taking the time to nurture self-compassion becomes a radical act of kindness.

How Meditation Facilitates Loving Kindness

Meditation serves as a potent tool in this journey. Through guided sessions, practitioners learn to extend wishes of love, happiness, and peace to themselves and others. The process involves creating a mental space where kindness can flourish, promoting a positive shift in one’s inner dialogue.

Practical Meditation Techniques for Loving Kindness

Loving Kindness Mantra: – Begin your meditation by repeating a simple mantra such as “May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be at peace.” Extend this mantra to include others, gradually encompassing all beings.

Visualisation: – Picture a radiant light of love emanating from your heart, enveloping you in warmth. Extend this light to those around you, gradually expanding it to cover the entire world.

Breath Awareness: – Focus on your breath and with each inhalation, breathe in love and kindness. As you exhale, let go of any negativity or self-doubt.

The Ripple Effect of Self-Compassion

Practising Loving Kindness isn’t just about feeling good in the moment; it has a ripple effect that extends beyond the meditation cushion. When we cultivate self-love, we become more attuned to the needs of others, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and empathy.

Join Us on this Heartfelt Journey

Throughout this month, we invite you to join us in exploring Loving Kindness. Attend our guided meditation sessions, engage in the practices, and witness the transformative power of compassion. Let’s embark on this journey together, creating a ripple of kindness that reverberates far and wide.

If you would like find our more or have any questions about my therapies contact Rosemary

Interested in affirmations and the course of thirty meditations incorporating affirmations to boost your mental health. Click here for more information.

Receive one of my e-books free about ChakrasMeditation TipsInner Child or Skincare

Soul Essence Newsletter January 2024

By Soul Essence New Eltham

“Every year you make a resolution to change yourself. This year, make a resolution to be yourself.” — Unknown

Discount days will be every other month in 2024 where you can have Seated Acupressure massage, Chakra Balancing, Natural Face treatment, or a Natural Face Lift Massage. Any treatment is £20 for 30 minutes. To book a session click here Make sure you book for 24th February to receive the discount.
The Thursday evening face to face meditations at 8pm are 11th and 25th January
The Tuesday online sessions at 7:30pm are 9th and 23rd January.
The Friday morning group at 11 am will be 26th January. Email to to book your place. As many of you will have received emailsor seen my posts launching my course of 30 meditations for you to listen to at home already. These are based on positive affirmations to boost your mental health. As regular readers of my newsletter, I am giving you the link free for the first meditation. If you would then like to buy the course click here
Please invite your friends to the meditation groups and feel free to share my newaletter.
You may wish to read a recent blog post about Finding Stillness in a Busy World:How Meditation Nurtures Inner Peace.
I am still running online meditations fortnightly on Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm cost £7 a session Please email me to book a place, if you would prefer one to one sessions, I do packages for these too or one hour sessions.
Are you living with pain, anxiety, or stress? If you would like a free 20 minute discussion to find out if any or the therapies can help you email Rosemary

Welcoming 2024 and Inner Peace.

As we stand on the threshold of a brand new year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken and the possibilities that lie ahead. In the spirit of renewal and growth, we welcome 2024 with open hearts and a commitment to cultivating inner peace.

In the midst of our fast-paced lives, finding moments of tranquillity becomes increasingly important. As we navigate the complexities of the world, it’s essential to nurture our inner selves. This new year brings with it an opportunity for self-discovery and a deeper connection to the wellspring of peace within.

Soul Essence are dedicated to guiding you on this journey toward inner harmony. Whether through energy healing sessions, meditation practices, chakra balancing, or our rejuvenating natural face lift massages, our offerings are designed to help you find solace and balance in the midst of life’s challenges.

As we set our intentions for the year ahead, let’s focus on fostering not only external success but also an internal landscape of tranquillity. The practices of meditation through our groups or the new 30 day course and chakra balancing can serve as powerful tools to align our energies and promote a sense of calm amidst the hustle and bustle.

We are immensely grateful for the support and engagement from our wonderful Social Media community. Your presence on our platforms has been instrumental in creating a space where like-minded individuals can come together to share, learn, and grow. In the coming months, we aim to expand our online presence even further, reaching more individuals who are seeking the benefits of our holistic approach to well-being.

As we embark on this new year let’s embrace the potential for positive transformation and inner peace. May the coming year be filled with moments of serenity, self-discovery, and the fulfilment of your goals.

Wishing you a joyous and peaceful New Year,

If you would like find our more or have any questions about my therapies contact Rosemary

Interested in affirmations and the course of thirty meditations incorporating affirmations to boost your mental health. Click here for more information.

Receive one of my e-books free about ChakrasMeditation TipsInner Child or Skincare