How becoming a parent helped me heal my suppressed energy and emotional conflicts

When I got into my early 20’s I wanted to get married and have a family. I had been with someone for almost two years. I was overjoyed when he asked me to marry him. We waited a couple of years before having children. We were lucky I had no problems conceiving and gave birth to three healthy boys during four and a half years.

Having children mirrored so many of the emotional conflicts I was masking and suppressing. I wanted my children to be independent like me, and they were encouraged to be self reliant. I always said they would fit round my life (control) not me fit round theirs. However, the control became part of normal life, I struggled with emotional intimacy, the relationship between myself and my partner was hard as we focussed only on the children and their needs. Never giving ourselves time together. Once our children began leaving for university, we realised we had nothing in common and both had traumas to heal.

At 42 I realised there was more to life, and I began looking for a way to heal my traumas. In 2004 I found the School of Energy Healing now the Foundation of Integrated Energy Healing. During my training to become an energy healer I was able to heal some of my trauma. Learning how to let go of this control was very enlightening. Working with others to help them recover from their suppressed emotions has also taught me so much more about myself.

Do not wait for 20 plus years like me to heal your childhood traumas, heal them now!

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How Trapped Emotions Cause Distress, Pain, and Muscle Tension in our Bodies.

Many of us carry repressed and trapped energy or emotions within the cells of our bodies, and we are completely unaware of them. We journey through life, oblivious to the blocked energy our cells and muscles are holding. Is this blocked suppressed energy causing your health condition and suffering? Every cell in our body has a memory, not just our brain cells.

The cause of Muscle Tension.

There are four different causes, your conditioning as a child, trauma, psychological tension, and your environment.

From when we are born to approximately seven years old we absorbed everything going on in our environment. A fair amount of our muscle tension is developed at this time and continues into adulthood. One of the unspoken beliefs we were taught as children, so we were acceptable or likable was “only babies cry”, so during our early years we learned to suppress our tears and sadness in order “not to be a baby”.  Many of us were punished for showing anger, therefore as children we thought it was bad to show anger and not taught how to deal with it positively.  All this energy is stuck somewhere in our bodies causing us pain or illness.

Traumatic experiences can range from being smacked to extreme abuse as a child. The trauma may have been deliberate (rape or assault) or accidental (car crash or other accident). These experiences can result in fear, stress and possibly even PTSD if they are not consciously dealt with.  All the anxiety, fear, anger, and grief are stored in your body, becoming muscle tension, and contributing to other illnesses, like fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, mental illnesses, and even cancer.

Psychological tension develops from our perceptions of life and causes anxiety, frustration, sadness, or anger. The more negative, fearful, or fault-finding our perspective is, the more tension we will store.

Our environment and habits also contribute to our muscle tension. Working at a desk all day and not exercising our muscles does not allow any tension to be released. Poor posture, lack of sleep, drug use, unhealthy eating, and environmental pollution tend to increase the likelihood of developing chronic muscle tension.

In Louise Hay’s book Heal your body, she writes about the probable cause of mental thought patterns have on the various parts of the body.

Shoulder Tension = Burden and Responsibilities.

Our shoulders represent our ability to carry out our experiences in life with joy. We make life a burden with our attitude. We have all heard the expression “carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders”. Louise’s affirmation is, “I choose to allow all my experiences to be joyous and loving.

Neck Tension = Fear and Repressed Self-Expression.

Our neck represents flexibility. Refusing to see other sides of a question. Stubbornness, inflexibility, and issues with communication. Affirmation “It is with flexibility and ease that I see all sides of an issue. There are endless ways to do things and see things. I am safe”.

Our back represents the support of life.

Upper Back = Grief, Sorrow, and Sadness.

Lack of emotional support, feeling unloved, holding back love.  We store our grief, sorrow, and sadness in this part of our back. Louise’s affirmations “I love and approve of myself, life supports and loves me”.

Middle Back – Insecurity and Powerlessness.

This tension can come from guilt, being stuck in all that stuff back there. “Get off my back”. Feeling unsupported by people. Louise’s affirmation, “I release the past; I am free to move forward with love in my heart”.

Lower Back = Guilt, Shame, and Unworthiness

The tension here can be a lack of acceptance, low self-worth, fear of money, lack of financial support. Feelings of guilt, shame, sexual inadequacy, and trauma. Louise’s affirmation “I trust the process of life; all I need is always taken care of”.

Stomach = Inability to Process Emotions.

Our stomach represents nourishment and digesting ideas and emotions. We hold dread, fear of the new, and possibly have an inability to assimilate the new. Hence the expression “I can’t stomach it”. If you have tension is this area, you may struggle to process negative and positive emotions. Louise’s affirmation “I digest life with ease”, and Life agrees with me; I assimilate the new every moment of every day, all is well.

Buttocks = Anger and Rage

Our buttocks represent power; loose buttocks loss of power. Our suppressed anger and rage are often held in our buttocks. Hence the saying “pain in the bum”. Louise’s affirmation “I use my power wisely, I am strong, I am safe, all is well”.

If you would like to know more about how to release your suppressed energy and emotions, email Rosemary for more information or download my tips here