Meditation Improves and Keeps Your Energy Healthy

Meditation is not all about sitting crossed legged and breathing. Mediation is about relaxing our minds, clearing our thoughts, and being positive, this can be done sitting in a chair, walking in the park/nature, once you are more experienced even on your commute to work.

The easiest form of meditation is where you are taken on a journey and you are focussing on someone’s voice and using your imagination. I have people tell me they cannot imagine things or colours, the more you relax and focus on guided meditations the easier you will be able to imagine things in your mind. We all live hectic stressful lives today and do not take the time to switch off.

Your energy level reflects your thoughts, if you are always thinking stressful situations, worrying about an exam, interview, tasks at work, your mind and thoughts will be in overdrive. This drains your energy, you feel tired and exhausted.

Meditating regularly, helps you to unwind, the more you consciously try to relax and clear your mind the easier it becomes and you can then truly switch off from the stress in your life and let your body recover.  Benefits can be, reduced pain, lower blood pressure, less angry, more focussed, better memory, less sickness and visits to the doctor. You will become more present and your general health will start to improve when you meditate regularly.

We are all affected by the energy around us, we need to avoid situations/people where possible which drain us, and spend as much time as possible with positive people/situations.

You need no equipment to meditate, just a quiet space and ten to twenty minutes a day where you can be alone and quiet.

If you want to learn more about meditation I run two groups during the first week of every month both costing £6, Tuesday starts at 5:30 and Wednesday start at 8pm.

For more information email me.

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